Gas Saving Tips:
The consensus is that tire pressure maintenance is key. Check your tire pressure on a monthly basis, weather and altitude changes will affect tire pressure as well.
Turning off the air conditioning will offer the most savings, that is if you can stand the heat.
Add on items that will help you save gas:
It’s difficult to tell what items work and which ones don’t, most independent tests seem to have difficulty validating what the manufactures of gas savings gizmos say it will save you.
Here is my opinion on what may actually work:
‘Performance Programmers’ work by changing the setting on the computer in your vehicle. They claim to save up to 4 mpg on diesel engines and 0.5 to 1.5 on gas engines. It would take 6-8 months to get your investment back in your fuel savings. Testimonials seem to support the effectiveness of these programmers.
‘Cold Air Intake system’ work by allowing more unrestricted air into the carburetor. Makes sense, the more oxygen the better fire will burn. These systems will boost horsepower and should reduce fuel consumption under normal driving conditions. You carburetor or fuel injectors may need to be adjusted to fully take advantage of this system used in conjunction with a performance programmer that should help even more.
Here are my opinions on what to avoid:
Simple logic, independent studies and general consensus show that these items don’t really seem to save you anything.
‘Vortex air intake’ systems work by spinning the air going into the carburetor. It’s true that air conditions like; how thin the air is, humidity and temperature can affect how well the fuel burns, but I don’t see how spinning it will do anything productive.
‘Platinum vapor intake’ system works by adding platinum vapors to the vacuum intake of the carburetor. In theory, this vapor make the fuel burn more efficiently. The fact that the company claims 22% gas savings tells you its too good to be true and no studies I have seen show anything at all in savings. I am trying it on my Durango but have since parked it due to high gas prices, I’ll let you know how it does for me. Note: I got it for free from an estate, someone bought a bunch of them but didn’t seem to use them?
‘Magnetic fuel line attachment’ works by separating the molecules in the fuel or something like that, but for the brief period that this may occur for a split second in the fuel line, it would most likely revert to its natural state by the time it hits the carburetor.
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